Pet Owners


We guarantee one fixed price for all TPLO patients across all weights.

Plus we accept all TPLO cases immediately and see patients within 48 hours.*


If you have to make the tough decision to have your pet put to sleep, we will support you through this.

The process, known as euthanasia, is painless and involves an injection of anaesthetic via intravenous catheter, administered by your clinician. They will ask you to sign a euthanasia consent form and you can be with them during this time.

This is an upsetting time for pet owners, during which some decisions need to be made:

  • Would you like to take your pet home with you, for burial or cremation?
  • Would you prefer to leave us to organise this? In this event we work with Peaceful Pets, who can arrange a communal cremation (ashes scattered at Peaceful Pets in their garden of remembrance) or an individual cremation with the ashes either returned to us or to your own vet practice for collection.
  • Would you like us to take some fur for you to keep, or a paw print image that can be used to create a keepsake?
  • If your pet is a dog, would you consider donating his/her corneas to help save the sight of another dog?

Our clinicians and nurses understand how difficult these decisions can be at such a sad time, and they will talk you through the options and help you choose what is best for you and your family.