Pet Owners

Your Pet’s Journey in our Referral Centre

We guarantee one fixed price for all TPLO patients across all weights.

Plus we accept all TPLO cases immediately and see patients within 48 hours.*

Your pet will be looked after very carefully at every stage of their journey with us. As well as the team of Clinicians, we also have a team of Nurses, Nursing Assistants, Technicians, Radiographers, Anaesthetists, Physiotherapists and Laboratory Scientists.

Our nursing team have undergone advanced training and support the clinicians in each discipline, they are supported in our wards 24/7 by the nursing assistants who are responsible for the non-medical aspects of your pet’s care.

Day and night, they will monitor, provide care and administer medication where necessary. A small number of qualified Veterinary Surgeons are also onsite overnight, with on-call support from Specialists.

Dogs and cats are cared for in separate wards in their own kennels. Dogs are in an appropriate size kennel based on their weight and size, with memory foam mattresses and cats have padded beds.

If your pet is staying with us for more than 24 hours, we will endeavour to contact you twice daily by phone or text to update you on their progress.

If your pet is likely to be hospitalised for a few days, we welcome inpatient visits, and these should be arranged in advance with your clinician. Visiting times are normally arranged within our opening hours Mon-Fri 10am-6pm, Sat and Sun 10am-4pm.