William Bayton


Consultant in Internal Medicine



Will did an Internship and Residency at Queens Veterinary School Hospital (University of Cambridge). Then spent 6 months working at Fitzpatrick Referrals. His areas of professional interest include canine and feline liver disease, infectious diseases and interventional procedures.


Bayton, William, Penny J. Watson, and Nicholas H. Bexfield. Prednisolone therapy for

chronic hepatitis in English springer spaniels: a prospective study of 12 cases. Veterinary

Record. 2020.

Bandara Y, Bayton WA, Williams TL, Scase T, Bexfield NH. Histopathological frequency of

canine hepatobiliary disease in the United Kingdom. J Small Anim Pract. 2021.

Bayton WA, Westgarth C, Scase T, Price DJ, Bexfield NH. Histopathological frequency of

feline hepatobiliary disease in the UK. J Small Anim Pract. 2018.

Allan F, Peschard AL, Schiavo L, Bayton W, Corbetta D, McCallum K. Obstructive

pancreatolithiasis in a cat with triaditis and concurrent hypercalcaemia. JFMS Open

Reports. 2021.

Gardner L, Bayton W, Hughes J, Owen L, Regada S, Bochynska D, Silva J, Novo Matos J.

Unilateral external jugular vein aneurysm in a dog. J Vet Card. 2022