Simba’s Story

Simba, a lovely tabby cat, came to see our Ophthalmology Service as an emergency as he had thorn embedded in his cornea which had to be removed surgically. The following day we performed microsurgery under an operating microscope to remove the thorn and repair Simba’s damaged cornea. Our anaesthesia team used a special technique to paralyse the eye to make surgery easier and safer. Simba went on to make excellent recovery following his surgery and his vision has been saved.

Simba’s owner couldn’t have been more grateful “Thank you all so much for looking after my tabby cat Simba for the past few weeks. Our ophthalmologist Amy was brilliant and our surgeon (Tom) spoke to me on the phone as soon as he was out of theatre to explain how everything had gone. We’ve just finished a long course of antibiotics and eye drops and Simba was signed off today! He is very lucky to still have the sight in his left eye, it would’ve been so much worse had it not been for the quick actions of our normal vet and for your team. I attach some photos for you – he won’t go near anymore thorn bushes, that’s for sure!”